Suman Aryal

Name in Full    Suman Aryal

Gender    Male

Nationality    Nepali

Current Appointment and/ or Status    Research Fellow (Casual)

Industry    University

Graduated University    University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Australia

Academic Degree    PhD

Working Institution    University of Southern Queensland, Australia

Profession    Research

Educational and Work Experience

    I completed my PhD from the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) Australia in 2016. The title of my PhD thesis is The socio-ecological impacts of structural changes in the transhumance system of the mountainous areas of Nepal. I applied the systems thinking approach and mixed research method to investigate one of the pressing research problems whereby traditional socio-ecological systems (SESs) are threatened by non-traditional and climatic factors globally. I published six research articles from my PhD in the journals that are highly regarded in my field such as those including Climatic Change (IF: 3.43), The Rangeland Journal (IF: 1.09) and Journal of Mountain Sciences (IF: 1.01). Before my PhD, I have completed two Masters Degree; one in Biodiversity and Environmental Management (2010) from the University of Bergen, Norway and Tribhuvan University, Nepal and other in Environmental Sciences (2006) from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. My Bachelors Degree (2003) was on Environmental Science from Tribhuvan University Nepal. 

    Currently, I am working as a research fellow (casual) at Institute of Agriculture and the Environment of the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. Before coming to Australia for my PhD, I had worked as a Lecturer of Environmental Science at Tribhuvan University, Nepal for three years. I have also worked as a Conservation Officer with the National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC), Nepal and as an Expert (Consultant) with the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD). Moreover, I have worked as an expert member to prepare Second National Communication Report that was submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) by the Government of Nepal, and as a Team Leader (Environmentalist) for more than one dozen environmental impact assessment study reports that were approved by the Ministry of Environment, Government of Nepal.  

Previous Work experience in China

    Most of my previous research works and publications have their geographical focus in the Himalayan region. The transhumance system, the traditional socio-ecological system based on seasonal and recurring movement of livestock in which I am interested in is common throughout the Himalayan region including many parts of China. There are many similarities in the traditional socio-ecological system that is practiced in the Northern Mountainous areas of Nepal and China. I have been researching and publishing in the transhumance system for more than eight years, and I am fully confident in my capacity to contribute in the studies related to the transhumance system in China and elsewhere.